Decorative plasters that are easy to apply

The Element Decor are luxurious decorative coatings and plasters based on natural materials, created using a unique Italian recipe. Over 100 variations of textures allow you to experiment with application techniques and get an unlimited number of effects. Suitable for professional work and for the work performed on your own.

Unique formulation

Наши покрытия и штукатурки сочетают в себе традиции итальянских мастеров-декораторов и современные технологии в области декорирования и дизайна.

При производстве мы используем только итальянское сырье высокого качества и натуральные компоненты. Так, например, наши декоративные штукатурки изготавливаются на основе высококачественной извести по старинной итальянской рецептуре.

to your repairs


Ideas for decorative coatings for any interior

Where to buy in Ukraine

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Other lines

The line of interior and exterior paints, including paintwork materials for different consumer categories. Produced by a unique recipe.

System solution for professional object work.

Complex product — seamless facade insulation systems.

VIVACOLOR products are tinted in over 2,000 shades using Tikkurila Symphonia color cards, one of the most advanced color systems on the market.